"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO "Precepts Protect!" Interruption golf game time in Brunei Asia-Europe tournament, of the Royal Trophy took place in Brunei in Southeast Asia. Pious known in Muslim countries, "precepts compliance" was no exception even in the golf game. Choice of day times in Islam is habit. However, it also is among young people seem to be mere facade, Borukia king to it [and! ]. Before months [every Friday, during the noon-afternoon prayer time. Issued an ordinance of the ban] all of the activities. Game in this ordinance is performed, the morning the first half hole, the second half resumed from the time of the afternoon. The players are hard fighting in how to spend this waiting time. Re-warm the body, in order to to keep the motivation, had been struggling each player. [It's important time in the Muslim people ..., the first half and the second half, corresponds as a different thing] and, Ishikawa had captured his first experience with positive thinking Liao. If you say a religious precepts, in the Christianity in the Sunday Sabbath], entertainment and sports as well as work only was also a principle is that prohibition.

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