"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO

It is adultery and homosexual acts stoning death penalty theft is ...

"! Precepts Defend" interruption golf game time in Brunei - GDO From next month date in Southeast Asia of Brunei to protect the precepts of Islam severely, criminal law to impose the death penalty by stoning on adultery and homosexual acts are enforced. Penalties to cut the hands and feet to the theft is also introduced. International human rights groups have strongly criticized the ['s human rights violations. Brunei is 0 years, was first introduced Islamic law (the Shari'a) in the Southeast Asian country, provisions over and criticism of was strong homosexual acts from the international community enforcement was delayed. The new law, also be subject other than national or Muslim. If Okase a steal even foreign tourists first offense is the right hand, time is imposed penalties to cut the left foot. Penalties for the sexual activity of homosexual and extramarital is Muslim's target, the other party is subject to punishment such as death by stoning not be a Muslim in the case was a Muslim. However, such as a plurality of witnesses is required, since the booked there are strict conditions, or in fact how far such a punishment is executed unclear.

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